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Our achievements

In the context of corporate social responsibility (CSR), Syveco, as part of Thermador Groupe, implements a number of measures and support employee initiatives. Our actions pertain to governance respecting ethical principles and compliance, the environment, employee well-being, professional fulfillment, and solidarity. This is what we refer to as Syveconsciousness!


Reduction of our carbon footprint

electric charging stations at SYVECOelectric charging stations at SYVECO

Electric charging stations at Syveco

Conscious of climate change and greenhouse gas emissions, we have been working on assessing our carbon footprint. We have measured our carbon footprint throughout our entire value chain (scopes 1, 2 and 3).

Currently, we are working on the Life Cycle Analysis of our products and are committed to implementing measures to reduce their carbon footprint.

We meticulously manage our buildings by implementing actions aimed at reducing energy, heating, and cooling consumption. Additionally, we optimize the management, valorization, and recycling of our waste.

Optimisation of employee travel

To promote sustainable transportation, we provide financial support to employees for carpooling and the use of public transportation. Furthermore, we offer electric charging stations, electric bikes for intra-subsidiary travel, and the option of remote working.

Thanks to the involvement of all our employees, 665 trees were planted with @ReforestACTION in 2022. Our employees participated in the European Mobility Week by teleworking or using soft modes of transport (carpooling or public transport). 4,138 km were calculated and valorised. The amount generated contributed to the forest ecosystem restoration in Varages (Var, France).

two SYVECO employees riding electric bikes in front of the buildingtwo SYVECO employees riding electric bikes in front of the building
SYVECO's Rain Forest Action certificateSYVECO's Rain Forest Action certificate

Protection of terrestrial fauna and flora

Insect hotel in SYVECO's backyard, to preserve biodiversityInsect hotel in SYVECO's backyard, to preserve biodiversity
a bee on a violet flowera bee on a violet flower

We apply APIE’s recommendations (Association Porte de l’Isère Environnement) to promote biodiversity in the environment surrounding our building. This includes a passage reserved for small fauna through fences, the planting of hedges serving as a refuge for numerous species, the planting of fruit trees, a field of flowers and herbs, the removal of invasive species, the installation of a bird nests and an insect hotel. Green spaces have been planted with a focus on local species, nectar plants and a small orchard.

Events are regularly organized on the site by a member of the APIE association to raise awareness among employees about fauna and flora around us.


Commitment to the Apprentis d'Auteuil Foundation

logo of the Foundation Apprentis d'Auteuillogo of the Foundation Apprentis d'Auteuil

Founded in the middle of the 19th century, the Apprentis d’Auteuil Foundation is committed to helping the most vulnerable young people and families. Its mission is to protect children, provide professional training, promote social and professional insertion and support families.

Syveco actively contributes to professional training and social and professional integration.

  • Our volunteer employees provide English language courses through sales simulations to young people.
  • We regularly welcome apprentices with the goal of integrating them into the professional environment.
a SYVECO employee in a sales situation in a shop with students from the Apprentis d'Auteuil Foundationa SYVECO employee in a sales situation in a shop with students from the Apprentis d'Auteuil Foundation

Support to Ukraine

Syveco has mobilised in favour of the Ukranians by organising a collection of donations. We sent 200 kg of medicines, clothing and hygiene products for children. The pallets were shipped to Warsaw at Syveco's expense and will then be transported by van to Ukraine, where they are most needed.

Donations in large SYVECO-labelled boxes on pallets, ready to be shipped to Ukraine for people in need.Donations in large SYVECO-labelled boxes on pallets, ready to be shipped to Ukraine for people in need.
A SYVECO employee in front of a van carrying donations for Ukraine. He is holding a Ukrainian flag.A SYVECO employee in front of a van carrying donations for Ukraine. He is holding a Ukrainian flag.
The boxes containing the donations arrived at their destination, a local charity.The boxes containing the donations arrived at their destination, a local charity.

Governance respecting ethical principles and compliance

pictogram representing the equality between two peoplepictogram representing the equality between two people

The company is a very important venue for social mixing. Equal treatment has a positive impact at every level of the company, developing each individual’s potential and doing away with awkward situations. At the time of recruitment, only skill, experience, interpersonal relations, efficiency, creative capacity, discernment, sense of synthesis and commitment are taken into account. Also, thanks to the wage transparency policy in place, employees can learn about salary levels.

At Syveco, 40% of women are in management positions.

We set high expectations for our management team, emphasizing efficiency, exemplary behavior, communication skills, proximity to employees, and motivation for collective interests.

Peace and rule of law, framed by rules and effective justice create a favourable context for public and private economic actors by providing the right framework for fair competition, the ability to innovate, be entrepreneurial and develop business. The elimination of corruption improves a company’s image and its room for manoeuvre to support economic development and contribute to achieving sustainable development objectives. At Syveco, 89% of employees potentially exposed potentially exposed to corruption received anti-corruption training in 2022.

We respect French regulations to ensure the promotion and respect of fundamental international labour organisation provisions: ban on child labour, freedom of association, elimination of forced labour, etc.

Syveco's Management Committee - Amé Bertin, Suzanne Abela, Vanessa Ittah, Lionel Monroe, Cédric AuvraySyveco's Management Committee - Amé Bertin, Suzanne Abela, Vanessa Ittah, Lionel Monroe, Cédric Auvray

Syveco's Management Committee - Amé Bertin, Suzanne Abela, Vanessa Ittah, Lionel Monroe, Cédric Auvray

Employee well-being

Career development

The company actively contributes to the development of each individual’s potential. We consistently provide our employees with continuous and relevant training. Every two years, we conduct a professional interview with each employee, which formalises the development of the employee’s career path in the short, medium and long term. It serves as a basis for building training plans for each employee. In addition, individual performance reviews are held with employees every year to review the year ended and the 12 months ahead to help keep each employee’s career path on track.

Technical training at Sferaco with exposure valves.Technical training at Sferaco with exposure valves.

Technical training at Sferaco

Two intersecting arrows representing opportunities to change departments during one's career at SYVECO.Two intersecting arrows representing opportunities to change departments during one's career at SYVECO.

We offer the opportunity to cross function boundaries. For example, people have moved from technical sales to quality, from customer service to marketing, and from warehouse to administration. This provides great opportunities for progress in different positions and activity areas.

Initial and continuous training help people to adapt more quickly to the world in which they live and to the way companies operate and evolve. Data suggests that companies are the first to benefit from staff knowledge, know-how and interpersonal skills. Thus, promoting training designed to increase employees’ skills is a key factor for long-term success (adaptation, competitiveness, efficiency, etc.). All types of training are provided, training related to business expertise, cross-functional training (e.g. anti-corruption, IT) or training in interpersonal skills and sustainable issues. Seminars for sales teams, training for local managers, personal development courses, language courses, fire safety, health and safety at work... We regularly call on external organisations to maintain and develop the skillsets of our staff.

Matvisio coaching programme at Syveco aims to help staff alleviate muscular pain and learn proper gestures and postures at work.Matvisio coaching programme at Syveco aims to help staff alleviate muscular pain and learn proper gestures and postures at work.

Matvisio coaching program at Syveco

Quality of life at work

Ensuring proper working conditions is a priority for Syveco.  We understand that a conducive work environment directly impacts employee well-being and productivity. That's why we go above and beyond to provide comprehensive facilities and resources to support our team members.

Our employees have access to a gym where they can engage in fitness activities and attend organized Pilates sessions led by a professional coach, aimed at improving flexibility, strength, and overall well-being.

Furthermore, we recognize the importance of promoting work-life balance and stress reduction. That's why our facilities also include designated relaxation areas where employees can unwind during breaks. Whether it's engaging in a friendly game of table tennis, enjoying the tranquility of our picnic area, or simply taking a moment of respite in our dedicated rest room, we strive to create an environment that nurtures both physical and mental relaxation.

To gauge satisfaction with various aspects of work, we regularly conduct surveys on the quality of life and working conditions among our employees. At Syveco, we believe that investing in the well-being of our employees is not just a responsibility but a strategic imperative. By prioritizing proper working conditions and offering comprehensive wellness initiatives, we aim to cultivate a workforce that is not only motivated and engaged but also healthy and fulfilled.

The picnic area in Syveco's back yard, creating a pleasant working environment and improving quality of life at work.The picnic area in Syveco's back yard, creating a pleasant working environment and improving quality of life at work.
An employee quietly reading a book in the rest room at SYVECO.An employee quietly reading a book in the rest room at SYVECO.
The picnic area in Syveco's back yard, creating a pleasant working environment and improving quality of life at work.The picnic area in Syveco's back yard, creating a pleasant working environment and improving quality of life at work.

Thermador Groupe's approach

In the year 2018, Thermador Groupe embraced the United Nations' 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) within its corporate social responsibility (CSR) framework. Herein lies an overview of the specific SDGs that have been integrated into the Groupe's approach:

pictogram representing three peoplepictogram representing three people


  • Offer rewarding conditions to attract new talent and maintain high levels of length of service within our subsidiaries
  • Develop the skills of our teams
  • Promote equal opportunities
  • Ensure employee health and safety at all times
pictogram representing a hand holding a plantpictogram representing a hand holding a plant


  • With our partners, measure and act upon all the elements of our carbon footprint
  • Sell more sustainable and eco-responsible products
  • Get our teams to adhere to and contribute to our environmental policy
pictogram representing 4 hands togetherpictogram representing 4 hands together


  • Respect ethics and compliance with our stakeholders
  • Engage in solidarity-based actions in line with our values
  • Work with our professional ecosystem in keeping with our business-watch process

As of June 1st, 2022, a Sustainability Development Director joined Thermador Groupe. Leading the recently established Sustainable Development Unit, she oversees a team of experts dedicated to assisting subsidiaries in effectively working towards our shared goals. Additionally, she is entrusted with the responsibility of challenging the management practices of the group and suggesting initiatives to continue to make progress of environmental, social, societal, and governance progress.

the team dedicated to sustainable development within the Thermador Groupthe team dedicated to sustainable development within the Thermador Group

Since 2021, Thermador Groupe has been committed to the United Nations Global Compact initiative for social responsibility, aligning with the Compact's principles encompassing human rights, labor standards, environmental stewardship, and anti-corruption measures. Over 14,000 companies from 162 countries are now signed up, organised around 70 local networks throughout the world.

The letter of commitment, signed by its Chairman and CEO, is available on the page of participants.

The 10 principles of the United Nations Global Compact

logo of the United Nations Global Compactlogo of the United Nations Global Compact


  • Support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights
  • Ensure that they are not complicit in human rights violations


  • Uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining
  • Contribute to the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labour
  • Contribute to the effective abolition of child labour
  • Contribute to the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation


  • Support a precautionary approach to environmental problems
  • Undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility
  • Encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally-friendly technologies


  • Act against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery

Some of the Groupe’s achievements


Aligning with the above-mentioned principles, Thermador Groupe involves its suppliers and subcontractors in the implementation of monitoring measures and, where applicable, corrective actions and invites them to share its commitment by signing this supplier code of conduct. You can consult the Supplier Code of Conduct.

Every year, 20 to 30 factory visits are carried out in order to develop and facilitate relationships with these partners, paying particular attention to employees’ working conditions. A long-term partnership has been established with 22% of our suppliers with whom we have collaborated for more than 40 years.


Quality of life at work is a real concern for the Groupe. Employees are regularly questioned on the subject, and thanks to the results of these surveys, management works on action plans to improve employees' satisfaction and well-being. The average length of service is 9.7 years. 81% of the employees have been trained in 2022 in order to improve their skills. Respecting diversity, 41.5% of women are in management positions in the Groupe.


From the very beginning, the founders of Thermador established rules of operation based on transparency, exemplarity and honesty. With the internationalisation of the group and the increase in the number of employees and legal structures, we felt it was necessary to better identify the risks of fraud and corruption and to put internal control procedures in place. In this context, 96.9% of employees at risk of exposure to corruption have been trained over the last 3 years in anti-corruption.

an illustration of the "Early warning system", part of the anti-corruption fightan illustration of the "Early warning system", part of the anti-corruption fight

The group has developed the formalisation of its practices following the December 2016 regulation on transparency, the fight against corruption and the modernisation of economic life, known as "Sapin 2" law.


With the help of a Life Cycle Assessment consultant, some of our subsidiaries have implemented an eco-design approach for products in order to reduce the environmental impacts over the entire product value chain.

illustration of the stages of the product life cycle (extraction of raw materials, manufacturing, distribution, use and end-of-life processing)illustration of the stages of the product life cycle (extraction of raw materials, manufacturing, distribution, use and end-of-life processing)

Sferaco set up a design office to contribute proactively to the eco-design of its products and Sectoriel proposes its own reparability index based on the same criteria as the official index. Waste management is also an important environmental measure, 95% of the Groupe's waste being sent to specialized streams for recycling or recovery.