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Brass ball valves
What is the use of a brass ball valve?
The brass ball valve is a plumbing valve that can used to:
- Activate or stop a fluid flow.
- Regulate a flow through a pipe.
Also called a sphere valve or a quarter-turn valve, the way it works is very simple: there is an empty and cut ball inside the valve, which swivels thanks to a lever, in order to place the open or the closed side of the sphere in front of the connection. This allows control on pressure from the flow.
Description of the brass ball valve
A brass ball valve is comprised of several different parts:
- The brass body (either unibody, 2-piece body or 3-piece body).
- The brass ball.
- The PTFE seat.
- The steel lever or butterfly handle.
A brass ball valve will generally be 1/8” to 4” in size. It has threaded connections and can tolerate a pressure of up to 40 bar.
There are various models: reduced or full port ball valves, V-port ball valves, 2-way ball valves, 3-way ball valves...
The brass ball valve: major features
Although one cannot be very precise when controlling flows with a brass ball valve, the device still offers major advantages. First, it is a compact, very fast and very easy to use tool. This type of valve is also highly fluid-tight, thanks to the sphere inside. Last, the engine consumption of actuated valves is very low.
In which areas is the brass ball valve used?
The brass ball valve is widely used in numerous areas, whether domestic (residential applications such as hot and cold water systems, central heating, sprinkler systems or even swimming-pools) or industrial (“clean” and non-loaded industrial fluid systems: water, gas, compressed air systems...).
Syveco’s offer
Syveco offers a wide choice for industrial applications: heavy duty valves for all common fluids, specific valves for various sorts of gas, compressed air, industrial fluids... We also have one valves operated by reduction gear handle, valves with locking devices, and valves with Iso pad for easy actuation. In addition, Syveco offers a range of brass ball valves that is specific to the building.