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Double offset
What is a double offset butterfly valve?
With these butterfly valves, the discs’ and the valves’ centres of rotation are displaced (or offset) in order to get better performance:
- perfect seal tightness is ensured as the valve centre of rotation is offset, slightly pushed behind the contact line;
- the disc centre of rotation is shifted from the valve stem, allowing it to move as soon as the valve opens. It also helps to reduce friction and ensure the valve a longer lifetime.
Syveco’s double offset butterfly valve range
At Syveco’s, we offer PN16/25 between flanges models of double offset butterfly valves in sizes DN50 to DN400, and ANSI150 between flanges valves in sizes 2” to 14”. We keep these references available in stock.
These wafer valves are made up of an A216WCB carbon-steel or CF8M stainless-steel body, a CF8M stainless-steel disc, and a 15% graphite-filled PTFE seat. This material is famous for its very low wear rate, its chemical stability, as well as for being warp and temperature resistant. That is why our double offset butterfly valves allow temperatures ranging from -29 °C up to +210 °C.
These valves also have other technical specificities:
· Fire safe according to ISO 10497:2010
· ISO 5211 mounting pad
· Full crossing stem
· Ductile iron handle, with locking device, up to DN150, or gear box from DN200
Fields of application for double offset butterfly valves
This type of valve is used in multiple fields such as heating, geothermal energy, industrial cold, shipbuilding, or petrochemical industries for example.
Double offset butterfly valves may also be used as regulators when used with steam. They are more economical, but also less heavy and less cumbersome than globe valves