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Knife gate valves
What is the use of a knife gate valve?
A knife gate valve is a valve with a simple clogging system, where the gate gets sharply down, like a knife would.
This device is used to cut thick flows in a high- or low-pressure network, or in a pipe containing hazardous substances or heavy liquids – this might be wastewater, viscous fluids, loaded fluids like slurry, sludge or any kind of powder. The knife gate valve should only be used completely closed or completely opened, that is why it is known as a stop valve and not as a control valve.
What is a knife gate valve made of?
A knife gate valve is made up of several main components:
- A narrow body, meaning it does not hold any rotating item that would need space, and to which the connecting sleeves will be fixed. It is made of PVC, cast iron or stainless steel most of the time.
- The stainless-steel gate or blade, used to cut off the loaded flow.
- The seat, where the gate will land.
- The actuator. It comes under various forms: handwheel with rising or non-rising stem, with or without stem extension, quick opening lever, pneumatic or electric actuator.
While there are various types of knife gate valves, most of them work with unidirectional tightness. Some options can be bidirectional.
Knife gate valve: specifications and advantages
Using a knife gate valve offers a number of significant benefits. Most of all, it is a very cheap and easy-to-use device. It is also lightweight, easy to install inside as outside, mountable with almost every type of pipes and conduits, and requiring easy handling and maintenance.
The knife gate valve is a highly versatile tool that can be used with numerous options, for example stem extension, chain wheel, limit switches or lateral brackets. Knife gate valves with various diameters are available.
Important to know as well: this tool has low pressure limitations, usually not more than 10 bars on standard executions.
In which fields is the knife gate valve used?
The knife gate valve is widely used in a great number of industrial fields: foul and waste water treatment, in the mining, cement, steel, chemical, paper, food-processing industries, or fire piping among others.
Syveco’s offer
Syveco offers both unidirectional and bidirectional knife gate valves, with cast iron or stainless-steel bodies and stainless-steel gates.
We also work with CMO Valves. This company has high quality unidirectional knife gate valves as well as a specific range for mining slurry application.